The following articles have been selected because they are informative, instructive, entertaining, or simply interesting. Articles appearing in Your Friday Five do not represent an endorsement.
Why Kamala Harries Is The Worst Candidate For Christian Women, By Dr Katie McCoy
For many female voters, Sen. Kamala Harris is a compelling candidate for vice president. For evangelical women, who are more likely to scrutinize her policy ideas than her fashion choices, however, the prospect of the junior senator from California becoming one heartbeat away from the presidency sounds an alarm.
Facebook will start banning ads that explicitly discourage people from getting vaccinated, the world’s largest social media company said Tuesday, as it also announced a new flu vaccine information campaign.
Pro-lifers optimistic as abortion-restriction measure gains steam in blue state, By Valerie Richardson
DENVER — Colorado pro-life activists have tried for years to place limits on abortion, without success, but they have reason to believe that this year may be different.
5 ways Texas can improve training for teachers, By Vandana Ravikumar
Texas teachers need better training that more accurately reflects classroom needs and prepares them for times of crisis, advocates told state lawmakers on Wednesday.
The Texas Senate Education Committee held a hearing to discuss best practices for recruiting and training teachers throughout the state. Here are five ways Texas can better prepare teachers, according to testimony.
The Chronicles of Narnia Still Grips Our Imagination, 70 Years Later, By Dr. Russell Moore
As this month marks the 70th anniversary of the publication of C. S. Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Christians would do well to ask whether The Chronicles of Narnia might show us the way to address the generations to come. Narnia persists in our imaginations because Lewis knew something about us that we sometimes forget. We’re not mere cerebral networks or limbic systems, but creatures made to look for signposts. The gospel, then, addresses us not just with logical reason or practical wisdom or enlightened self-interest, but—deeper than all of that—in an imagination that can feel what it is to tremble at a lion’s roar.