The following articles have been selected because they are informative, instructive, entertaining, or simply interesting. Articles appearing in Your Friday Five do not represent an endorsement.
Crucial in light of the upcoming election.
There is a major difference in reading Scripture through the lens of political positions and reading political positions through the lens of Scripture. If one reads Scripture through the lens of politics, then there is a lot in Scripture that will be ignored. If one reads politics through the lens of Scripture, one likely won’t feel fully “at home” in a political party. Because not feeling “at home” makes us uncomfortable, there is a temptation to read our Bibles through the lens of political camps.
Better late than never.
3 Simple Ways to Start Studying Theology, by Mary Wiley
To know and understand God rightly, we must go to the primary source He has given us: His Word. God has revealed Himself in His Word and as God the Son takes on flesh, revealing God in His life, death, resurrection, and ascension. Whether we are reading history, law, wisdom literature, or a pastoral epistle, there’s learning to be had about who God is (known as “theology Proper”), what He says about His creation, what He is doing in the world, and how we should rightly respond.
This looks like a good move.
Trump signs executive order to strengthen foster care, bolster faith-based partnerships, Christian Post
Trump’s order signed Wednesday highlights several areas of concern where the president is calling for more research and improvement by federal and state agencies, such as the need to bolster “robust partnerships” between community organizations, improve access to resources for caregivers, and improve federal oversight on welfare requirements. Although the number of children in foster care in the U.S. has declined in recent years, there are still more than 430,000 children in foster care nationwide and over 124,000 eligible for adoption. The president stressed that “too many” children in the foster care system have to wait years before finding a permanent family.
We always need leadership help.
7 Things Bad Leaders Say, Carey Nieuwhof
There’s also a very good chance the definition of success you carry is 100% in your head; you’ve never written anything down. Or what you have written down is so general or vague it’s not helpful. You can’t hold people accountable for something you never explained to them. Yet most leaders try anyway. Clarity is a hallmark of great leadership. If your team isn’t measuring up, there’s a very good chance you haven’t been clear.
This continues to be a complicated issue.
Even among those who reported their congregations offered in-person worship in the past week, 56% of respondents said they chose not to go. “We’re seeing among lay people a significant amount of discomfort in going back to formal in-person religious practices,” said Daniel Cox, a research fellow at AEI who led the study. “People are equivocating and uncertain about whether they feel comfortable attending.”