The following articles have been selected because they are informative, instructive, entertaining, or simply interesting. Articles appearing in Your Friday Five do not represent an endorsement.
John Stott Would Want Us to Stop, Study, and Struggle, By John W. Yates III
It was a bitterly cold January afternoon and rain was pinging sideways off the windows when John Stott emerged from his study. It was teatime, and a large pot was brewing on the small counter of the kitchenette of The Hermitage, Uncle John’s cozy living quarters in one of the old farm buildings at the Hookses, his rural retreat in Wales.
Almost half of teens believe many religions may be true, Pew finds, By Diana Chandler
WASHINGTON (BP) – The largest portion of teenagers in the U.S. believe that more than one religion may be true, Pew Research said in its latest revelation from a study of the religious beliefs and practices of teens and their parents.
Alistair Begg: ‘Welcome to Exile. It’s Going to Be OK.’, By Alistair Begg
When I was a child, I was taught this chorus:
This world is not my home, I’m just a-passing through. My treasures are laid up Somewhere beyond the blue.
Honestly, until recently I had no idea what I was singing. For us in the English-speaking West, this world has tended to feel very much like home, and our treasures have been right before our eyes.
Biden speech receives mixed response from SBC leaders, By Tom Strode
WASHINGTON (BP) – The Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine effort received Southern Baptist commendation, but the president’s advocacy for an expansive gay and transgender rights bill earned disapproval after his first speech to a limited, joint session of Congress.
3 Strategic Steps to Relaunch Your Small Groups, By Ken Braddy
As the percentage of the population receiving COVID-19 vaccinations continues to rise, church leaders are seeing an increase in the number of people attending on-campus groups and weekend worship services. We are in the dawn of a new post-pandemic era for the church.