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How to Preach Hebrews 10:19-25 – From Exegesis to Sermon Outline

Preaching that is text-driven and not merely text-centered requires a careful look at the structure of the passage. Here are some linguistic and exegetical thoughts on Hebrews 10:19-25, which is the first paragraph in the third major division of the letter. For more detail on this passage, see my commentary Hebrews in the NAC series, published by Broadman & Holman in 2010.

1. Locate the passage within the structure of Hebrews.

There are three main divisions of Hebrews:




2. Determine the genre: Hortatory/expository with hortatory being dominant. All imperatives and imperatival constructions such as hortatory subjunctives semantically outweigh indicatives and subjunctives. Any imperative in a NT epistle will automatically convey the dominant meaning.

Note the command forms (hortatory subjunctives) in vv. 22-24. The genre of this paragraph is a combination of hortatory and expository

3. Determine the structure of the passage. Notice 10:19-25 is one sentence in Greek!

1) Identify all verbs.

2) Identify all clauses (independent and dependent):

Having confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus which (entrance) he has inaugurated for us new, living, through the veil, that is his flesh (way)


having a great priest over the house of God,

Let us draw near with a sincere in full assurance of faith

having had our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and having had our bodies washed with pure water,

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering

for faithful is the one who promised,


Let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some but encouraging one another and all the more (do so) as you see the day drawing near.

3) Identify all phrases (especially genitives in Greek, usually translated with “of”):

Some examples:

  1. 22 – “in full assurance of faith”

  2. 23 – “the confession of our hope”

  3. 24 – “to love and good deeds” (genitives in Greek)

4) Identify Key Words for word studies: “confidence,” “draw near,” “hold fast,” “consider,” “stimulate,” “encouraging.”

5) Put it all together:

In vv. 19-21, note you have two clauses conjoined by “and”:

Clause 1 – (19-20)

Clause 2 – (21)

Note the back reference to previous material.

This recalls the argument of 7:1-10:18 in summary fashion.

This is introductory to 22-25.

These two clauses function as the grounds or reason for the commands in vv. 22-24.

In vv. 22-24, note you have three commands (22, 23, 24) (Gk. Hortatory Subjunctives – the author includes himself in the commands.)

4. Exegete the passage.

In vv. 19-20, we have confidence to enter (focus more on means of access rather than the act of entering) (Access)

“confidence” – conveys notion of boldness (Gk. – “all speech”)

“the blood of Jesus” – the means of our entrance. Notice “Jesus” is placed final in the

clause for emphasis.

“way” is further qualified by three statements: 1) “new,” 2) “living,” 3) through the veil”

“new,” – Gk. “freshly slain” was the original idea, with meaning of “fresh,” or “recent”

“through the veil” – can be construed with “opened” or with “way”

In v. 21, we have a great priest over God’s house. (Advocate)

Notice the reference to “house” in v. 21 and see Hebrews 3:1-6.

In v. 22, Let us draw near (cf. to 4:14-16) (followed by 4 statements):

Notice the first two are subjective (our attitude): 1) “with a sincere heart” 2) “in full assurance of faith”

Notice the last two are objective (perfect participles – what God has already done) – “having had our hearts sprinkled clean…” “having had our bodies washed…”

In v. 23, Let us hold fast (cf. to 4:14-16)

The object is “confession of our hope”

The adjective,“without wavering,” is used with adverbial force.

The subordinate clause “for he who promised is faithful.”

The back reference to God’s faithfulness (see 6:13-20)

In vv. 24-25, “Let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds”

“consider” – bear the mind down on something with focused attention

“stimulate” – word in Greek means to “spur someone on” and denotes intense action

Our English word “paroxysm” is a medical term for a condition of shaking

“love and good deeds” – notice the order: love (internal)/ “good deeds” (external)

“not forsaking…” – present participle expressing the negative means.

“encouraging…” – present participle expressing the positive means.

Notice the NIV renders these as hortatory subjunctives like vv. 22, 23, 24, giving the false impression there are five imperatives, not three!

“so much the more” – Greek literally: “by so much more by as much as.”

“. . . the day approaching” – two possible interpretations:

  1. destruction of the city of Jerusalem

  2. Day of Judgment at the return of Christ (the better option)

5. Let the structure of the text drive the sermon structure.

Introduction (19-21)

Point 1 (22)

Point 2 (23)

Point 3 (24-25)

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