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Post-Easter Thoughts on the Resurrection

The resurrection of Jesus is the most wicked hoax ever foisted on the minds of people, or it is the most fantastic fact of history! The resurrection is the foundation stone of Christian doctrine, the Gibraltar of Christian evidence, and the Waterloo of rationalism. Without the resurrection, there would be no Christianity. “If Christ is not risen from the dead, then is our preaching vain and your faith is also vain.” 1 Cor. 15:17.

All but four of the major world religions are based on mere philosophies. Of the four that are based on personalities, only one claims an empty tomb for its founder. Abraham, the father of Judaism, died about 1950 B.C. but no resurrection was ever claimed for him. Buddha died in 487 B.C. but no resurrection was ever claimed for him. Mohammad died in 632 A.D., but no resurrection was ever claimed for him. Jesus died in 30 A.D., yet three days later there was an empty tomb.

Some skeptics say, “Come on, . . . resurrection? You’ve got to be kidding. People don’t rise from the dead. That’s not reality. You Christians want us to believe the resurrection is real like Reality TV is real. Everybody knows Christianity is like a cross between the ‘Jerry Springer Show’ and ‘Days of Our Lives.’ You Christians invent the resurrection to get us all to watch. Like bringing the cameras down to Paradise Mobile Home Park on Route 4: ‘Next week, Earl gets laid off from the chicken plant and Honey Boo Boo gets hold of some bad sausage from Piggly Wiggly. Ya’ll tune in!’”

Skeptics have scoffed for 2000 years. Yet the tomb remains empty. The resurrection is the Father’s “amen” to the Son’s “It is finished.”

Among the many things the Resurrection accomplished, three are important to remember today:

1. It is the proof of God’s acceptance of Christ’s atonement for my sin. That takes care of my past.

2. It is the promise of the defeat of death and guarantee of my bodily resurrection. That takes care of my future.

3. It is the provision for my daily life. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” That takes care of my present.

The resurrected Christ is the key to my past, my present, and my future.

He lives!

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