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This Tuesday Americans will turn out to vote in local, state, and national elections.

Here are three things you should do on Election Day Tuesday.

1. VOTE!

Every American should exercise his/her constitutional right to vote. That right was purchased at great cost throughout our history. Voting is not only a right; it is a part of responsible citizenship.


Those of us who believe the Bible to be God’s revealed Word have an even more important responsibility when it comes to voting. As in everything, we are to think and act biblically. Scripture is our final authority for right and wrong. Its moral precepts should guide us every time we vote for someone to fill an office or for or against a new law or proposition.

Consider this scenario.

Candidate A has pledged to cut your taxes in half. Candidate A also has the most liberal views on abortion and is committed to supporting abortion on demand at all costs.

Candidate B has pledged to raise your taxes heavily. Candidate B is also totally committed to a pro-life position with respect to abortion and will work to change existing abortion laws to preserve the lives of unborn babies.

Which candidate should you vote for?

If you are going to vote biblically, this is a no brainer. You vote for Candidate B.


Because when you stand before God someday to give an account of your life, you don’t want to have to explain why you failed to trust God for your financial needs no matter what and why you didn’t take a stand for the sanctity of human life, which God clearly reveals is his moral standard in Scripture.

Biblical principles should guide our decisions when we vote.


Whether your candidate gets elected or not, you have a biblical responsibility to pray for elected officials. It doesn’t matter whether you agree with their policies or not. This is what Paul teaches in 1 Timothy 2:1-4.

You should pray for them for two reasons according to Paul….

  1. So that their decisions will be good for the people they serve (“that we may live a peaceable and quiet life in all godliness and dignity”).

  2. So that they will come to salvation through Christ (“God our Savior desires all people to be saved”).

Pray for them!


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