The following articles have been selected because they are informative, instructive, entertaining, or simply interesting. Articles appearing in Your Friday Five do not represent an endorsement.
Senate Judiciary Republicans advance Barrett nomination despite Democrats’ boycott, committee rules, By Tyler Olson
The Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday unanimously advanced the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett at its executive business meeting despite a decision by Democrats to boycott the markup in protest of how close Republicans are moving the nomination to Election Day.
Truths to Motivate Prayer, By Kyle Gangel
Prayer is an area that nearly every Christian has room for greater consistency and discipline. That is actually the easy part to admit. It is more difficult to acknowledge that our lack of prayer flows from wrong thinking about God and ourselves. Our natural bent is towards unbelief and self-sufficiency. These tendencies often keep us from praying.
Appeals court again upholds state pro-life law, By Tom Strode
WASHINGTON (BP) – A federal appeals court has again upheld a state pro-life law based on a U.S. Supreme Court decision this year that was a defeat at the time for an effort to protect women who undergo abortions.
How to Witness From the Furnace of (American) Babylon, Br Dr. Bruce Ashford
The past decade has made one thing clear to evangelicals: the social, cultural, and political ground is shifting beneath us. We’re not “winning the day” with our vision of the good life. Although we’ve seen incremental progress on the pro-life issue, we’re experiencing consistent regression on others, such as religious liberty, human dignity, gender and sexuality, and free speech.
Baptists respond to pope’s endorsement of same-sex civil unions, By George Schroeder
NASHVILLE (BP) – In response to Pope Francis’ endorsement of same-sex civil unions for the first time as pope, Southern Baptist leaders reiterated their commitment to the authority of the Bible’s teaching regarding sexuality and marriage.