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Plans are progressing on the new School of Preaching at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary! Kick-off date: August 1. I am honored to be able to serve as the inaugural Dean of this new school.

God is already opening many doors to preach and to teach Text-driven preaching in the US and around the world. Here is a rundown of events through July.

I just returned from the Philippines where I delivered the Lide-Walker Lectures on “Preaching Hebrews” during the day and preached at the Bible Conference at the Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary in Baguio City.

This Friday-Saturday I will be preaching and teaching at the Jacksonville Pastor’s Conference (Friday 9:00am). Dr. Paige Patterson, president of SWBTS, will also be preaching Friday night. This conference draws hundreds of pastors from all across the country. In addition to an opportunity to model text-driven preaching, I will be leading four break-out sessions on “Text-Driven Preaching: What is it and How to do it!”

In two weeks, I will be in New England in the Boston area and then further north to conduct two one-day preaching workshops on preaching sponsored by the Baptist Convention of New England.

On February 22, I will lead two plenary sessions on Hebrews at the Lausanne Conference on Jewish Evangelism in Arlington, TX.

March 7-8 Southwestern Seminary hosts our annual Spring Preaching workshop led by our preaching faculty. The topic is “Listening to the Voice of God: Preaching the Genres of Scripture.”

In early-April, I will be in Rio de Janeiro teaching a preaching course at the Baptist Seminary there and preaching some too.

Later in the month of April, SWBTS will host several Nigerian PhD students. I will have the privilege of speaking to them about the art of text-driven preaching while they are on campus.

In June at the Southern Baptist Convention in St. Louis, SWBTS will host a reception on Sunday evening after the Pastor’s Conference to celebrate the inauguration of the new School of Preaching.

In July, I will be a professor on Southwestern’s Oxford Study Tour for 18 days. The first few days of this tour will cover the key Charles Spurgeon and John Bunyan sites. I will teach a course on the history of British preaching with a focus on Spurgeon and Bunyan, along with other great Reformation and post-Reformation preachers, including many Baptists.

God has been good to provide these many opportunities to influence people toward genuine biblical preaching. I am undeserving, but thankful.

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