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Sermon Outline – 1 John 5:1-5

John identifies three spiritual birthmarks every Christian has in these verses:

1. Love

2. Obedience

3. Faith

I.  Our Love and Obedience to God Insure Our Love for Christians – (vv. 1–3).

     A. Love to God Insures our Love for Christians (1)

The first birthmark is love.

John speaks about the new birth and our family relationships in Christ.

Every child is born into some family.

Every baby has certain physical characteristics of his parents.

It is natural for a child to love parents & other children in the family.

     B. Obedience to God Insures Our Love for Christians (2-3)

The second birthmark is obedience. (2)

How do you show your love for God? Do what he says! (3)  (1 Sam 15:22)

Do you obey out of duty or desire?

Obedience brings freedom!

God will never command without giving the strength to fulfill it.

“The life of God within makes obedience to the commands possible, and the love which the Christian has for God and for other Christians makes this obedience desirable.”

2.  Our Faith in Christ Insures Our Victory Over the World – (vv. 4–5)

The third birthmark is faith.

Our faith in Christ, expressed initially at conversion and continually thereafter, is the conquering power that overcomes the world.

Christians have three great enemies:

1. The world

2. The flesh

3. The devil

All three are overcome by faith.

Conversion is like enlisting in the army. You become a soldier the moment you enlist, but you have not yet seen combat. Your three great enemies will waste no time in attacking you as a new believer and they will continue the assault throughout your Christian life.

          Victory over them comes through a:

1. Power              (4)        Neuter subject in Greek; present tense

2. Principle          (5a)      Neuter subject in Greek; past tense

3. Person            (5b)      Masculine subject in Greek: present tense

Understanding all three and being connected to all three bring victory over the world.


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