The following articles have been selected because they are informative, instructive, entertaining, or simply interesting. Articles appearing in Your Friday Five do not represent an endorsement.
Prohibiting Prayer in Australia, By Carl R. Trueman
Conversion therapy—the use of psychological or spiritual interventions to attempt to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity—has proved controversial in the U.S. It is banned in the case of minors in some twenty American states. The District of Columbia bans such therapies completely, regardless of age. Such laws could be viewed as government support for the LGBTQ+ cause, but they do not need to be seen entirely cynically. They could well reflect a desire to protect the vulnerable from paying for treatments that legislators consider to be bogus.
The Word Cycle: Edifying the Body of Christ, By Dr. Kyle Walker
One of the most amazing aspects of God’s provision on planet earth is the water cycle. Ocean waters supply solar evaporation. Atmospheric air circulation transports water vapor to all seven continents. Condensation and precipitation provide fresh water to land, plant, animal, and man. Whatever the use, this same water finds it way back to its oceanic source via highways of streams and rivers. Physical life on our planet and for the human body depends on proper hydration. A lack of water would mean almost sudden death.
WASHINGTON (BP) – Southern Baptist leaders and religious freedom advocates commended the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision late Feb. 5 that rejected California’s ban on indoor worship services in most of the state.
For Low Moments in Ministry Why Pastors Need Revival, By Ray Ortlund
My dear brother pastor, however discouraging your ministry might be right now, one thing’s for sure: You are so not godforsaken. Our Lord is with you. His purpose of grace for you is not defeated. Never surrender your confidence. Even Jesus himself was tempted with feelings of futility (Isaiah 49:4). So, of course, we who follow him will at times ask the same deep questions. But those are the very moments when you can dare, by raw faith in God, to reach for new blessing.
Open Letter from the International Board of Directors of RZIM on the Investigation of Ravi Zacharias
It is with shattered hearts that we issue this statement about the allegations against RZIM’s Founder, Ravi Zacharias.